My napkin @ Buffa’s Bar, 1001 Esplanade Ave, New Orleans LA.
“Andy’s Mom” hanging @Toonseum
The nice people at the Toonseum in Pittsburgh asked for one of my pieces to hang in their Wonder Women: On Page and Off exhibit, and this is the one I gave them. And here’s how he looks on the wall there. He’s hanging right below the sign that reads, “ADULT ORIENTED CONTENT DISPLAYED BEYOND THIS WALL.” Not sure what …
Sharky’s Café
My napkin @ Sharky’s Café, 3960 Rt 30, Latrobe PA.
Toonseum (Pittsburgh, PA)
I signed the guest book @ the Toonseum, 945 Liberty Avenue, Pittsburgh PA. I wrote the old blog address. Old habits die hard, I guess. Hopefully they’ll find it here.
Finished: On Deck 9 @MTskatepark
Here she is! Packed and ready to go. Have a safe trip, little guy.
Leo’s Pub & Grille
My napkin @ Leo’s Pub & Grille, 202 N Diamond St, Mount Pleasant PA.
Our Sons’ Family Restaurant
My place mat @ Our Son’s Family Restaurant, 800 Broad Street, Johnstown PA.
Skin: On Deck 9 @MTskatepark
Blue started. I’m still thinking about the texture I’d like to add to this part.
Suckers: On Deck 9 @MTskatepark
Progress on the board: So far, the eyeball and the yellow sucker area is finished. (Please excuse the distortion on these “in-progress” images; I’m using Photoshop’s Photomerge, and it hasn’t been doing that well of a job. When I get to the final images, I’ll make sure everything is in proportion and lined up properly.)
Falls City Pub
My napkin @ Falls City Restaurant & Pub, 112 Garrett St, Ohiopyle PA.
Sketched, underpainted and local color: On Deck 9 @MTskatepark
Progress on the board: Sketched on board Underpainting Local color Eyeball Close-up of eyeball
Cut, sanded and primed: On Deck 9 @MTskatepark
Progress on the board: Pattern transferred. Pattern cut. Board sanded. Board primed. Ready for painting!