Urban Saloon

My tablecloth @ Urban Saloon, 2120 Fairmount Ave, Philadelphia PA.

Elefant sketch

Finally got one. After many (many) attempts, here’s the preliminary sketch for “Elefant.” Still not totally convinced he looks Rotty enough, but he’s the best I seem to be able to do. I’ll be painting him on wood like Jeeraffe and Zebrah. So there you go.

Dracula sketch

Here’s a sketch I did for a painting I’m hoping to start soon. The final size will be 24″x24″, and finished in acrylic (and possibly oil) on wood. I’m planning on doing a bunch of paintings of ghoulish types, each doing musical thingies. Looking for a name for the series (other than “Monster Mash”). I haven’t forgotten about the elephant! …

Red Robin

My napkin @ Red Robin, 1000 Greengate Centre Blvd, Greensburg, PA.

Barbie has a Mad Hatter doll?

Did you know that Mattel has released a Barbie Mad Hatter doll based on Tim Burton’s Alice in Wonderland movie? My first reaction was that it felt a little creepy, but when you look at the face close up, the makeup is a little too perfect, if you know what I mean. Like they Barbie’d it up a little so …

Smokin’ Joe’s

My napkin @ Smokin’ Joe’s, 2001 E Carson St, Pittsburgh PA. And so as not to embarrass those with me, the photo was shot behind closed doors.

iFrank, the color version

For those of you who aren’t following The Rots on Facebook, here’s the full-color version of iFrank. I painted him in Painter and finished him off in Photoshop. I originally finished him as a parody of the iPod commercials. The background is manipulated from a photo I took of a wall at Harpers Ferry, WV. I took tons of texture photos (mostly …

Mr. Picassohead!

Looks like today is the anniversary of the demise of Pablo Diego José Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomuceno María de los Remedios Cipriano de la Santísima Trinidad Ruiz y Picasso, but better known to those of us without all day to say his name as Pablo Picasso. To celebrate (?), you can make your own Picasso on the Web site …


Here’s a new Rots image with a take on the commercial for that really popular little white electronic device. I’m planning on doing a color version sometime in the near future. If you want to download him and use him somewhere, he’s yours! All I ask is that you give me credit with a link (http://www.the-rots.com/), and let me know where …

Coffee Bean Café

My napkin @ the Coffee Bean Café and Roastery, 3804 Rt 30, Latrobe, PA.